Christian DURAFFOURD (M.D.) and Jean-Claude LAPRAZ (M.D.)

Attachés de Consultation des Hôpitaux de Paris, Christan Duraffourd M.D. and Jean-Claude Lapraz M.D. work as practitioners in oncobiology within the Clinique Chirurgicale Générale et Oncologique of Hôpital Boucicaut (Professeur Reynier).

In their concern to develop the experimental research they have conducted as practitioners since 1972 in order to prove the therapeutic effect of medicinal plants, for the last eight years they have been working in hospital in order to evaluate the phytotherapeutic treatments contribution to chimiotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery, as well as a prevention of osteoporosis in breast cancer.

Being aware that only clinical research might bring proof to the real efficiency of Phytotherapy, they have developed comprehensive experimental schemes of the phytotherapeutic treatments that are being tested in various hospitals in France and abroad.

They are in charge of Clinical Phytotherapy teaching in several universities (Lille, Athens, Monastir, Mexico) and in french and foreign scientific organizations involved with medicinal plants.

Since 1976, they have been conducting and presiding over a number of international congresses and pluridisciplinary meetings (France, Belgium, USA, Mexico, Spain, Greece, Switzerland).

They have published a series of articles and works about Phytotherapy :

They have been taking part in various government commissions, they have met with the administrations involved and worked with various french and foreign professional organisations and unions, and they have written a report on the state of Phytotherapy in France, for the Department of Health (1985).

Réalisant une synthèse intégrée des données confirmées de la tradition à celles les plus pointues de la science moderne tant dans le domaine de la pharmacologie, des sciences fondamentales, que dans celui d'une clinique revalorisée, cet ouvrage présente l'image de la médecine de demain fondée sur la notion de terrain et la théorie scientifique qui la sous-tend : la théorie endocrinienne du terrain.

Il propose ici de façon originale les textes du 1er Congrès Intercontinental Plantes médicinales et Phytothérapie, qui s'est tenu en Tunisie, auquel ont participé plus de 500 personnes, venues de 49 pays : médecins, pharmaciens, chercheurs, membres d'organisations internationales et industrielles, de mouvements associatifs, et d'ONGs.

Editions Jacques GRANCHER / 540 p. Prix : 190 FF

    Comment se procurer cet ouvrage :

  • Dans toutes les bonnes librairies
  • A l'Association PHYTO 2000
    BP 6116 - 75762 Paris Cedex 16,
  • chez l'éditeur : Jacques GRANCHER
    98, rue de Vaugirard - 75006 Paris

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