by C. Duraffourd, M.D. - J.C. Lapraz, M.D.
To progress in our understanding of the physiopathological mechanisms of osteoporosis as it occurs during the evolvement of mammary carcinomas.
To progress in our understanding of the biological factors which will enhance our screening of osteoporosis as well as our evaluation of its risk.
To make general progress in the preventive and the curative treatments of osteoporosis, and in particular, in the substitution of the conventional oestrogenic treatment.
To assemble and correlate all general data concerning breast cancers that are complicated by osteoporosis :
- Age at cancer discovery
- Side of breast cancer
- Opposite side of breast cancer
- Histological nature
- Type, TNM classification
(if metastasis, locations)
- Ancestors
- Descendants
- Genital history :
- age of puberty
- ages at pregnancies
- births
- miscarriages
- abortions
- age of menopause
- breast-feeding
- premenstrual syndrome
- associated illnesses
- treatments
- cholesterol
- constipation
Osteoporosis is a rarefaction of bone tissue which is such that the elements of the skeleton can no longer maintain their function of mechanical support.
Amongst the different types of osteoporosis, based upon their anatomical and physiological differences, we will only consider, on the anatomical level, the one that primarily affects women, after their menopause between the ages of 55 to 70.
It predominates in spongioid or trabecular bone and leads to vertebrate compression. Oestrogens deficiency seems to play a predominant roll in its development, since its incidence is 6 times higher in women than in men.
On the physiological level one distinguishes 3 different groups, depending on the various levels of trabecular bone remodeling:
- In 50% of cases, the diagnosis is confirmed only after bone biopsy, motivated by a recent vertebral compression, without any preceding diagnosis of abnormal bone remodeling.
- In approximately 30% of osteoporotic women one finds an increased blood level of osteocalcin, with large areas of reabsorption and osteogenesis, confirming a high rate of remodeling.
- In the last 20% of these women with vertebrate compression one finds a low circulating level of osteocalcin as a result of a slow rate of osteoblastic apposition.
BIOLOGICAL FOLLOW-UP (D0, D30, D90, D180, D365) :
Its purpose is to determine the type of osteoporosis so as to apply the most well adapted treatment, and then to follow the bone metabolism and the endocrine variations under such a treatment.
It is conceived so as to attempt to improve the biological screening, in particular of the type of osteoporosis with no evident bone remodeling.
- Total blood proteins
- Alkaline phosphatase & isoenzymes
- Oestradiol
- 24 hrs Free hydroxyprolinuria
- Calcium/creatinine ration of first morning urine
- Osteocalcin
Its purpose is give an anatomical confirmation of the type of osteoporosis, especially of the type with no biological evidence of bone remodeling, and then allow a follow up of the treatment's effect on the bone structure.
- Scanner with biphotonic absorptiometry of bone
Osteoporosis with a confirmed high level of remodeling
1) Brassica napus TM)
Vitex agnus castus TM) aa qsp
Mercurialis annua TM)125ml n°qs
75 drops at each meal.
2) Didronel qs
one pill at lunch time
3) Ergocalciferol (vitamine D2)
5 drops each morning.
4) Megamag qs
2 capsules at midday and evening.
5) Equisetum arvense SIPF qsp 250ml n°qs
1 tea spoon each morning.
6) Zea Mais Rad. mac. glyc IX) aa qsp
Sequoia gigantea J.P mac. glyc IX) 125ml n°qs
Two tea spoons each morning.
1) Brassica napus (turnip) :
The turnip is here selected because of its action of thyroxin's inhibition, without any antiTSH activity. Are concerned all women in réaction to one abrupt ménopausis, without physiological preparation.
Side effects expected :
- None save in case of an excessive activity (hypothyroïdie).
2) Vitex agnus castus (chaste-tree) :
The chaste-tree is here selected because of its action of oestrogen's inhibition, which is an aid for the breast cancer's spécific treatment, and for its anti-alpha sympathetic activity.
Side effects expected :
- Physical asthenia
- Psychasthenia
- Hypotension
3) Mercurialis annua (Annual mercury) :
The annual mercury is here selected on its action probably anti-prolactine (secretions' inhibition) and anti-growth factors.
Side effects expected :
4) Zea maïs (Corn) :
The corn is here selected on its anti TRH action which concerns the osteoporosis treatment strictly speaking and allows to keep to the reactive mode chosen for this treatment the préférential of the stimulation of thyrocalcitonin.
Side effects expected :
- None save in case of an excessive activity.
5) Sequoia gigantea (Sequoia) :
The sequoia is here selected on its androgénic's activity which is an aid for the breast cancer's spécific treatment and for the osteoblastic apposition.
Side effects expected :
6) Equisetum arvense (Horse tail) :
The horse tail is here selected on its direct osteoblastic apposition activity which is connected to its wealth in silicium and others minerals. The silicium increases the bone's trabécular volume directly through one osteoblastic action.
Side effects expected :
Osteoporosis with low or preserved level of remodeling
1) Lycopus europaeus TM) aa qsp
Polygonum persicaria TM) 250ml n°qs
75 drops at each meal.
2) Lithospermum arvense nebulisat 0,50g qs
2 capsules 3 times daily.
3) Equisetum arvense SIPF qsp 250ml n°qs
1 tea spoon morning and evening.
4) Osteofluorine 25qs
2 pills at midday.
5) Frubiose calcique qs
2 ampulla each morning
6) Magnogene qs
4 pills midday and evening.
7) Phosmahematoporphyrine
2 ampulla at breakfast.
1) Lycopus europaeus (wolf' foot) :
The wolf' foot is here selected on its privilege (through one anti TRH-TSH action) to boost the ostéoclastic phases, essential time for the bone remodeling through a new possible osteoblastic apposition.
Side effects expected :
- None save in case of an excessive activity (hypothyroïdie).
2) Polygonum persicaria (Persicary) :
The persicary is here selected on its wealth in vitamine K to increase the possibility of the osteoblastic phase.
Side effects expected :
- None other save in case of an excessive activity.
3) Lithospermum arvense (Gromil) :
The gromil is here selected to complete the breast cancer's spécific hormonological treatment through an activity anti hypophysarian gonadotrophic and the action of wolf' foot's anti-TSH activity.
Side effects expected :
- Nocturnal pollakiuria
- None other save in case of an excessive activity.
4) Equisetum arvense (Horse tail) :
The horse tail is here selected on its direct osteoblastic apposition activity which is connected to its wealth in silicium and others minerals. The silicium increases the bone's trabécular volume directly through one osteoblastic action. It is one more time necessary here to boost hardly the ostéoclastic phases.
Side effects expected :
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